Equitable Access to World-Class Education for Every Child
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- We believe that every child in Flagstaff deserves equitable access to world-class educational experiences from cradle through their career.
- We believe that world-class education is student focused and student led.
- We believe that we have the resources, talent and will in our community to improve educational outcomes for all of our children.
Where do we begin?
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Early Childhood Education
The path to world-class education begins with equitable access to high-quality early childhood education.

Progress Meter
Cradle Through Career
Many important milestones that children and young adults experience as they grow happen outside of any formalized educational system. Supporting every child from the time they are born through their career requires our entire community to work together in collaborative action.
What We're Reading
Education News
FUSD Plan for Phased Reopening
08 Oct , 2020 -
2020 County Teacher of Year
06 Oct , 2020 -
ADE Guidance for School Reopening
01 Jun , 2020