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Post-Secondary – Internship Subgroup
May 8, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 9:30 am

- Literary Review of Business and Economic Development Reports and Information with Discussion
- Identify what questions we have and what information we still need
- From this, identify what business sector we will engage for a focus group
- Review Goodwill’s Business Focus Group Model
- Identify which businesses we will invite for the focus group process
- Identify responsible individuals/ organizations to conduct the focus group
Notes from March 30th Meeting:
Attendance: Janea Byrne, Emily McCarthy, Delia Withey, Brigid Dineen, Scott Pettitt, Brent Neilson, Brian Francis, Christina Caldwell, Cindy Wilson, Antara Hunter, Paul Kulpinski
The Why – how do we connect interns to opportunity?
Our Reflective Survey
- How do we capture all of the internship programs that are out there?
- Is a simple connected platform/clearinghouse feasible?
- An apprenticeship is a form of professional development that combines structured on the job training and industry study that leads to a professional certification or licensure, based on demonstrated competency over a minimum of time.
- “soft skills” needs to be defined – but some component of this idea once defined could be added to “Internship”.
From the Perspective of an Intern – I want an internship… what are the steps?
- CAVIAT serves freshman up through age 22. FUSD can place directly, or through CAVIAT.
- A sector approach, rather than a come-one come-all catch process is the way to go.
- What sectors have the greatest need for career pathways in FLG?
- CC Career Center can place interns of any age 16 and up.
- Use the “Autos” model to replicate that in other sectors.
Perspective of a Business – Opportunities to Improve
- Go to the sectors to find their need and process.
- Who has information on business needs: Reports from CC Career Center, CCC, ECoNA, BioScience Conference on 4/10,
- Ensure that businesses understand the details of what an internship involves
Next Steps
- What sectors have the greatest need?
- How shall we confirm where the “need” is for internships by sectors? – Use business reports.
- What is the demand of students for internships?
- Create proper survey tools for this
- Create a decision-tree for this process – how shall we do this?
- Who else needs to be here? ECoNA? NACOG?
- How will we capture the data of placement?
- Lit review of business reports above:
- BioScience Information: Brent
- ECoNA: Christina
- CCC: Cindy
- NACOG: John
- AZ Daily Sun Articles: Brent
- Magnolia Consulting: Brent
- Lit Review: Brigid, Paul, John
- Reach out to that sector with individual businesses for a focus group
- Design a “focus group” process (Goodwill has a model)
- Identify what sector to start
- Organize and Conduct the focus group
Next Meeting: May 8, 2018 8 am NACET
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