Stronger As One
Stronger as One: Community leaders rally for suicide prevention and mental health wellness
From the Arizona Daily Sun – April 23, 2019. Kaitlin Olson Read more “Stronger As One”
From the Arizona Daily Sun – April 23, 2019. Kaitlin Olson Read more “Stronger As One” →
FLAGSTAFF (October 1, 2017)
Nearly one hundred Flagstaff community members engaged in thoughtful discussion about funding preK – 12 education in Arizona for four hours on October 1, 2017 at the Coconino Community College Lone Tree Campus. Students, educators, parents, government officials, business leaders, and other concerned citizens crafted a five-page report with their recommendations for improving the funding of our educational system. Read more “Flagstaff’s Recommendations for preK-12 Education” →
FLAGSTAFF (September 26, 2017)
Twenty-One student leaders from all seven Flagstaff area high schools met on September 26, 2017 to discuss their ideas for what a world-class education system could look like. They drafted a three page report with their recommendations around goals and and actions for community leaders, policy makers and citizens to take for creating this educational system. Read more “Future Leaders Make Recommendations for Education” →
FLAGSTAFF (September 20, 2017)
As a lead up to the Flagstaff Community Town Hall event, LAUNCH Flagstaff hosted three educational films in September. Approximately 200 people showed up at the McGee Auditorium to watch the movies and listen to panels of experts following each film. Read more “Education Films Inform Flagstaff” →
FLAGSTAFF (July 21, 2017)
LAUNCH Flagstaff seeks to raise the bar and create a community culture of world-class education for all our children, cradle through career. We recognize that supporting our kid’s education is not just the responsibility of our schools. It takes an entire community.
Through the major financial support of the Arizona Community Foundation of Flagstaff, United Way of Northern Arizona, and The Wharton Foundation, LAUNCH Flagstaff provides the infrastructure in which our partner organizations can share resources, share accountability, share success and have a collective impact on improving educational outcomes. Read more “Arizona Town Hall in Flagstaff” →